Some survivors of sexual violence may have experienced multiple assaults. Sometimes a perpetrator will re-victimize a survivor. Sometimes a survivor will be violated by more than one perpetrator at different times.
It is essential to understand that sexual assault is motivated by a need to control, humiliate, and harm. It is not the fault of the survivor; the aggressor is the one who took advantage of the survivor.
Writing Prompts
“It’s hard enough that I was raped once. Then it happened again…”
“Every time he raped me I felt…"
from Rochester, New York
I have experienced multiple victimizations...beginning at about age 4 a neighbor, about a year older than me, began sexually abusing me. I didn’t have the language to tell my parents what was happening to me. The abuse continued until I was about 11 years old, getting more and more violent. It stopped when our family moved, but the effects stayed with me, I had begun acting out, developed tremendous anxiety and was distrustful. At age 16, I went to a party, drank quite a bit, and eventually passed out on a couch. I woke up in the morning, in a strange room...naked. I thought I'd had sex with a guy I knew at the party. Days later, rumors were flying around that I'd had sex with a bunch of guys. A friend later told me that her brother told me that some guys "pulled a train" on me. I'd never heard the expression, and didn't believe it was true, until one of the rapists apologized to me. I found out years later that I was one of 4 girls that summer who had been raped by the same group of guys. We'd all trusted these guys, never suspecting their motives. I began heavily drinking and using drugs...the anxiety, now coupled with depression, led to multiple hospitalizations, suicide attempts. I engaged in all kinds of risky sexual behaviors...and other self destructive behaviors. I was labled crazy, and believed that I was crazy...damaged and worthless. Later I went into therapy, following a horrific two year relationship fraught with violence. I almost died...more than once. I eventually began counseling with a great therapist. I was in therapy for more than 15 years (off and on)...and eventually gained some control over my life. I still struggle...my sex life in almost non-existent. BUT I'M HERE. I've worked as a victim advocate for more than 15 years now, helping others (I hope). I've since learned that the boy who assaulted me as a child, is now a cop...can you imagine? I never reported what happened to me, never written of it until now. My hope is that we all find peace...love and self acceptance. That we find justice when we seek it. That the world recognizes the nature of sexual violence and responds to it appropriately.
from Minneapolis, Minnesota
When I first saw the article for this project I was so excited. I felt that this is what I’ve been waiting for to close the door on things. I thought that writing it would give me the courage to tell my advisor who thinks I’m lazy, worthless and a burden to financial aid, why I failed two consecutive spring semesters, or at least be able to say that word… that one word… to my counselor, so we can stop playing the guessing game. I originally wrote over 20 pages of “my story”, but I’m not submitting that. I decided that I had preferred to be a statistic over being just another horrible story in this compilation. I was happy with that decision, because at the very least it was therapeutic to write it and desensitizing to continue reading over it. But even this I had to reconsider. Even though I don’t think I have a real ending of my own (yet), there’s the hope of giving someone out there the courage I never had…I don't know if this is me starting a new walk, tying up loose ends, healing, growing, moving on or what have you. I don't really know except that this is a story to tell.
My name is Anne…
and this is my story.
This is so hard. And not because of the subject matter, the hurt, the years of life it's taken away from me, but because when I think back on it, most of it just isn't there. Thanks to my own suppressive memory and the patchy years of therapy most feeling toward it is now numb. I don't know if that's the goal, but I'm finally able to live with it...most days. hah, therapy. Can't live with yourself, but even harder to live without yourself. I've been living without myself for the past 3 years. I haven't reclaimed myself entirely, but I like to think I'm nearly there. Well since this has turned to rambling, it would be best to start from the beginning. College has never been an easy time for me. Since I was really shy in high school I figured that going away to school would be the perfect opportunity to start opening up and to start being more outgoing. It was easy for me to join a few clubs and do some volunteering, but I really struggled to make friends on my floor.
I actually really struggled to make friends anywhere. After a miserable couple of months with my roommate I decided to change dorms only to end up with someone on the opposite spectrum of the miserable scale. When I failed, I retreated to spending more time with my boyfriend that followed me to school. I never wanted him to change schools for me because I knew how easy it would be to cling to someone familiar.
So I'm friendless, totally friendless with the exception of a needy boyfriend. There was a big group of girls and a few guys in my hall that were friends with my RA. They ate supper together every night. Every night one of their group, usually this one boy, would come to the door and ask if my roommate wanted to get supper. For over two months I opened the door to give him the variety of responses corresponding with the location of my roommate. I would always wait a little while and then go down to supper myself. Each night I dined with my book. Just me and my book. A few times they were sitting tray to tray at a table right behind me and never bothered to invite me over. A few times I had heard them saying they should ask me to come but someone always thwarted that saying that I probably didn't want to be bothered since I had a book and all. I don't know about anyone else, but I cannot eat and read (other than skimming a paper etc.) at the same time. It’s just impossible for me to keep track of where I am. Eventually one night when I said "sorry she's not here" he turned to walk away and suddenly said "hey! do you wanna get supper with us?" My heart leaped! I had been waiting so long for one of them to ask me. Instantly I had friends. I sat by the only other boy that was a regular to that group. He and I had a lot of things in common and outside of supper he was actively trying to get to know me and I him, since I had been waiting MONTHS to get to know anyone.
And I know this is supposed to be about my...
you know, that one word.
That one word, of the thing that happened to me. my... ugh, my r-word.
And I promise it's still coming, but all this matters, it really does, or at least I think it does?
Maybe if I could have said that word, maybe I could have saved my self, or at least saved myself these 3 years of hell. I couldn't ever say it. When I tried to tell my counselor or a professor I became close to what happened all I could say was that "there is a boy in my dorm and he's mean. He's always mean, really mean, really really mean and he's being mean to me. Please help me."
I couldn't get him to stop. I wasn't the mute shadow, I was my Self and it came out louder and stronger than it ever did before. I said No. I yelled NO! I begged him to stop. His body was crushing mine. My hands betrayed me. I had no control over them they were locked in a weird position all their own. I tried as hard as I could to unpin my arms, but no amount of squirming worked. How could I not get away? I was unpinnable by the standards of backyard wrestling. This body had gone through the tortures of two brothers on a trampoline for the previous 6 years. My mind reached for everything within range, what if your roommate hears? What about your suitemates? This isn't a good time. This really isn't a good time. I promise, please stop, please, please, you're hurting me. I have to study, please stop, I have to get to bed, please stop, it's late, I can't feel my arms, please stop. Every time I pleaded or cried harder he would kiss me, he would kiss my crying eyes and kiss my pleading lips. As if a kiss could make whatever was coming out of them all better...
I said NO! and that kills me every time when I think back on it. I may have had to choke it out through tears at some point, but I said it. Girls get r...ed because they don't say no, they get ra..... because they don't do anything. I said NO! I yelled NO! I fought and it still happened.
When I awoke in my bed the next morning I was my usual groggy self listening to my roommate’s jet engine of a blow dryer at 6 AM. I felt crappy to say the least. I was in disbelief about what happened, but I decided I needed a day off. One day in bed to pull myself together and then everything would be OK. With a click the roar of the hair dryer instantly died and I thought, “Ah, my official day in bed can begin now.” But my roommate came around the corner laughing and said, "oh my gosh! You kept me up all night, you kept talking in your sleep saying 'no, no' hahaha what was going on?" My heart stopped. I couldn't even swallow to digest what she just said. I just wanted to die right there. I quickly threw out “oh... well he kept bugging me to play video games last night, but I had SO much hw." She laughed, muttered something about he's an annoying personality and went back to her sacred grooming rituals. I laid down and covered my head. My whole body felt like it was being weighed down with lead. How could she have laughed at me? How could she have laughed at that? How could I have said that in my sleep? I needed help and I needed help fast, I couldn't go on saying this stuff out loud.
It's odd that my main concern wasn't making sure that it stopped; my main concern was making sure no one would ever know. Protecting myself, was protecting him too?
How do you tell the person about to r.... you that he didn't even know how to put on a c...d...m... right. You can't. I started pleading “No Nooooo.” But he didn’t listen he kept saying “just hold on, it's ok, it's ok” trying to comfort me, like there was something wrong with ME.
He called me kiddo. How f’d up is that?!
It was green, and from the campus sponsored free boy cover Wednesdays. I wanted to kill, maim and fight the mocking little happy face smiling up at me from the wrapper.
After that time he never bothered with them again. Apparently it's too hard to hold on to a floppy person and a floppy c…k.
Eventually I became a mute shadow. When he came into my study room I would stop moving my pencil but continue to stare at my work. He would pick me up and carry me up two flights of stairs and into his room. He was such a barbarian. When he was done I was free to slip back downstairs gather my homework and fall apart in my bed. How long was this going to go on? I just prayed that I wouldn’t say anything in my sleep ever again. Thankfully before I knew it the school year was over.
My first night in my new apartment I flew awake in bed, my mind was spinning and then I felt it. It came like a piercing stab to the stomach. Unconsciously I got up and ran to the bathroom. The bleeding was so heavy, I knew something was seriously wrong though I had no idea what. I really thought I might be dying. I don't remember it entirely because I was in so much pain, my mind was dizzy and I remember being on the verge of vomiting the entire time. I had ten hours of heavy bleeding and ten days of bleeding to follow that. Things were starting to come together now. On my study abroad I got my period for 1 day each month. Just one day. I never even thought twice about it because I was traveling on the other side of the world, I was bound to be "off". My mother and sister flew out to travel with me at the end of my studies and they had a good laugh when they saw me. Little skinny as a rail/ toothpick/ twiggy had a potbelly. I blamed my domed stomach and inability to fasten the button on my shorts to my poor diet while abroad. Even though I ate mostly rice and fish I heavily supplemented my diet with... ice cream, pizza and other goodies. When my mom and sister were with me, they were constantly remarking about the weight they were losing while I continued to bulge. This got a bit confusing since I was eating strictly what they were, but I passed it off and was excited at the idea of not being underweight for the first time in my life. All of these things flooded into my mind at once and it hit me... I had a miscarriage, or at least I thought I did. I went to what I knew best, my computer, and sure enough the signs were all there. It said it was important to go to the doctor in case all of it wasn't expelled *shudder* I hate that word, but in case all of it wasn't gone from my body, life threatening infections could happen. Like hell I was going to have someone violate me again, let alone PAY to be violated! I also figured sinc e these things happen all the time naturally, no worries. And in a matter of months I was back to normal, and I thought life would be normal. That semester I buried myself in three things. My bed, my homework, and cream cheese coffee cakes from Rainbow. I thought Christmas break, a nice relaxing 3 weeks off from school, would be just enough time for me to put my life back together and to get me back on my feet. Boy, was I wrong. Not much changed when I got back, but I only buried myself in two things. My bed and cream cheese coffee cakes from Rainbow. I tried to go to class, but I couldn't. My body was so exhausted. I had never felt such exhaustion before. It took so much strength just to be able to wrench apart my eyelids. I did have 1 motivation for school work though. It was a group of boys that would call me and invite me to their study group. I would always turn them down saying "I just don't think I'm going to do the homework this week", but they would threaten to come in and drag me from my bed if I didn't produce myself to the stairs of my apartment building in 10 minutes. I credit those study sessions to saving my life. If it hadn't been for them I would never have left my inky cave. For an entire semester they were the only people that I talked too, the only time I ever saw daylight, walked leisurely and had the time of my life at 3 AM Mickey’s raids. It still makes me smile thinking about the jukebox that would play nonstop for 1 quarter and the waitress that it always pissed off. How can you go wrong with Chantilly Lace? She was the only person that I ever saw get visibly upset over that song.
Hooray! I'm healed!!! Just kidding.
My first time was with my boyfriend. It was so wrong, it was wrong in every way. He started breathing heavy and pressing his body against mine. I started to get scared and asked what he was doing. He told me the moment was right, it felt right, that it was right. In a way, his mom was the only one that was right. She said that our behavior was dangerous. That we should never sleep together, nap together and to always keep a distance between us especially at school. She said one of these days if we kept up with this dangerous behavior that there was just too much temptation and things would get hot, heavy and out of control. She’ll never know how right she was. He was dripping sweat all over me and I tried to push him off. I was scared of having him inside of me. He always said that before this day came he wanted to talk about every aspect of it so we’d both be prepared. I kept bringing this up to him. He completely ignored me and kept on with what he was doing.
Our relationship was already in shambles and I had never any want to be intimate with him. I told him that this was not the right time, that it didn’t feel right. He said it was the right time and I needed to stop because I was ruining the moment. I kept saying “not now, pleeease NOT now.” I never really thought it would happen, but I was no longer a part of what he was doing. He had transformed from a human to a beast. He continued to drip sweat all over me and would exhale his hot breath on my face. He didn’t notice me crying he didn’t notice my hands pushing against his chest and eventually beating on his back. He didn’t notice my legs fighting against his. I told him he didn’t have protection and he said that it didn’t matter protection would ruin our first time anyway. He wanted to have 100% feeling when he defiled me. The harder I pushed him away, the harder he pushed himself into me. It hurt so incredibly bad. I told him this and begged him to stop. I started saying through tears that how can there be a moment if both of us aren’t in it. He kept on. I wasn’t just crying from the pain, I was crying because of the look on his face and the determination in his eyes. This wasn’t my boyfriend, this was a machine. When he was done, he rolled off of me and went to his computer. I laid in his bed, wrapped in his buttercup sheets shaking, crying and trying to understand what just happened. When he was done doing whatever meaningless task he felt the need to do, he came back over to me and said that we should get to the dining hall before it closed. My soul became numb.
I had a lot of regrets because I said everything except no, not now isn’t no, this isn’t a good time isn’t no and stop isn’t even no. I figured I was r…d because I couldn’t say no. What other reason could their have been?
I was still crying when I got dressed and he asked me what was wrong. I couldn’t say anything, I couldn’t even look at him. He came and sat next to me and demanded that I tell him what was wrong. I thought he was completely stupid that he didn’t realize any of this. I yelled that I was upset he didn’t listen to me, that we weren’t protected and that we promised to talk about these things before they happened. I also told him that I wasn’t ready, I felt totally pressured and completely used. His response “Well, you should have said something!” It made me so angry, he didn’t even apologize. He eventually told me that what we just did was stupid. And in my head I was saying it was what you did, not me, you! And he questioned how I could be so foolish, that I could be pregnant and the next day I needed to go to Planned Parenthood and have a pregnancy test. I was horrified. (I have to mention this for my own intelligence I realize it takes time before you can have an accurate pregnancy test… but right then just didn’t seem like the best time to correct him.) But the next day had rolled around and I was resolved to go to Planned Parenthood with him. When I got to his apartment he had no notion of why I was there and had no idea of why I would ever want to go to Planned Parenthood. I was shocked, I was confused, how could the events from the previous day just slip from his memory? I continued to be with him because he loved me…right? And well if he didn’t love me he was my only friend… But many nights while we would be sleeping together the beast would take over him and he would force himself on me. Except now it included protection. hoo…ray… I eventually quit fighting and did everything in my power to distance myself from his boy parts, his boy covers and his one boy things. I reviewed lectures in my head, named the states in alphabetical order, hen challenged myself to think of all the capitals, I practiced double digit multiplication I had mastered 12X12 through 19X19 and now was working up to 29X29. I was so good, I could imagine myself anywhere else, I could create a vivid alternate reality where I was loving life and loving myself.
When the other rape happened I ran to him. He was my only friend he was the only person that loved me, he was my boyfriend, he would protect me. As I sat crying on his bed, he told me that if I didn’t stop he would take me to a hospital and have me checked in as an inpatient. I stopped crying, pleaded for him not to and curled up on his lap. At least I felt safe for the night. I wanted to tell him because I wanted reassurance that things would be ok, that it wasn’t my fault that I was loved and that he would help me get through this. Instead he was shocked and horrified. His main concern was that he could have a disease from this boy and that he didn’t really know me after all. I was nothing more than a slut. How could I do this to him? How could I betray him like this? Never mind the manner that it was done in… He decided I was sleeping around behind his back. He told me to leave that he couldn’t stand the sight of me. That was the farthest thing from the sympathetic hu g I was longing for.
Sometimes I feel like I have the words “Violate me” tattooed across my forehead.
An Indian boy once told me that he was glad I was a fresh girl. Puzzled by this he went on to explain, that I was fresh, clean, pure, untainted and untampered with. The kind of girl he truly admires. I guess I can pull the wool over the best of them. I may have looked fresh on the outside, but my insides were nothing more than a rotting, decaying and crumbling core.
I’ve gone down many paths to try to get healed from this. I’ve tried the physical and the spiritual; meditating to free my mind, hopeless hours in counseling and re-succumbing to Christianity. I thought Shakespeare said it the best “More needs she the divine than the physician.” I had forgiven him, what more was there to do? I begged for God’s forgiveness for losing my self, allowing these sins to take place against my body and asked to be made pure again. I prayed for God to forgive him and to protect all those that may wander too close to him and to heal him from doing those things again. Though I couldn’t ever ask to be forgiven for not being able to stop it and lastly and most importantly I could never forgive myself for not being able to stop it. I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive myself for that. There was always something more I could have done, I could have screamed out at the top of my lungs, I could have smashed him over the head with something, I could have ripped him apart with my teeth, just anything, but I was so scared of any one else knowing. I’ve had so many crazy thoughts, crazy thoughts like maybe I deserved it or maybe that’s just how life is… I even thought maybe it’s because of how I dressed. Isn’t that why Christian mothers campaign for modesty? but hello…I didn’t even wear v-necks because I thought they showed too much… or at least too much emaciated sunken-in collar bone. crazy.
Part of me was and is scared of my parents finding out. Sex isn’t something you do until you’re married and sex isn’t something you just do. You do it when you’re married AND ONLY when you want and are ready to have children. And even after I have children I will probably still profess an air of virginity to my parents.
Some days were so hard, sometimes I only got through them by remembering my professor’s famous words, “just keep on keeping on.” At one time these words were meaningless, and nothing more than annoying scribble across the top of my returned homeworks, but now it’s something I live by.
What happened has stopped me but it won’t anymore. I own it now. If I had stayed on track with my education I should have finished a degree in engineering in 3.5 years. Instead my transcript is littered with F’s and it will be closer to 6 years and I don’t think I’ll make it into graduate school.
I want this to be absolutely disgusting. I want this to be so horrible and I don’t think I’m doing a good job of it because it’s not writing, it’s just ramblings. I want anyone that does read this to know how disgusting it is. For the people that commit them to know how badly others are hurt and for the people that endure them to realize how deep these wounds run.
It has strained every relationship I’ve had or ever been in. I would lash out at my parents when they called to ask how my day was. I had panic attacks if a boy would ask to hold my hand. I withdrew from everyone and everything always on the pretense of “If I could just swallow this, all of this and bury it deep, I can be ok.” I’ve spent hours being yelled at by professors and advisors. They tell me that I need to grow up, settle down, drop out, quit working, work more, try counseling and to stop being so damn lazy. And every time I just sit there and take it. I accepted that I was lazy, stupid and a burden to financial aid.
Every time I sat burning in my chair thinking if only they knew, if only they knew this wasn’t me, if only they knew there was something wrong. I didn’t think I’d ever let them know, but now maybe I will. I’ve actually considered pressing charges… but how does it work when it’s just he says/she says? My parents just got done fighting a battle in court for my younger sister on a much lesser degree. They were so torn apart, how can I possibly lay this on them?
This has been a lot of things for me. It’s sent me on a roller coaster of emotions.
Sometimes I felt so empowered and sometimes I felt so ashamed... I had so many questions. What do I tell? What don’t I tell? How much do I tell? Why should I tell?
But now…
What’s done is done.
We have scotch’d the snake, not kill’d it;
And I can only hope that somebody somewhere will get something out of this.
Gin H from Hartville, Ohio|
My story begins when I was 16 years old. A girl I considered to be a friend suggested we go to this one bar where she knew we could get in so that we could watch the fireworks for the 4th of July. After a long evening of drinking with the bar owner and his friend, and after the bar had closed for the night, my friend and I got separated. I was with the owner of the bar and she was with the friend. The owner took me to the pool table room where I picked out music on the juke box and thought we were going to play pool. He started making advancements on me. At first I went along with it, but then he started getting forceful, at which point I told him to stop. I was put on the pool table where he proceeded to rape me. I was in shock. I couldn't believe what was happening to me so I didn't fight back the way I feel now that I should have. After he was finished, I tried to act as if all were fine. I didn't know how to act or how to feel. It wasn't until later on that week
when my friend convinced me to come forward about it. The friend of the bar owner had also raped my friend. After the court proceedings, my family and I found out that more women had stepped forward about their encounters with these men. Statements were made from the other victims that it was a game between the two men. The man who raped me received 10 years of registering as a sex offender and only 7 years probation. He never went to jail.
Almost two months after the rape, the same friend I had been with that night at the bar, she and I went to an apartment of two guys we knew. They were party buddies of ours, much older than us though. Actually, we hung out with all of their friends on a regular basis. That night was different though, it was just the two men who lived there and my friend and me.
At one point in the night, the one roommate, let's call him roommate 1, had all of us in his room showing us his newest addition to his gun collection. After my friend and the other roomate left, roommate 1 started to kiss me. I told him that if he thought we were going to have sex, he had another thing coming. He told me to get out of his room.
I went and laid down on the couch to sleep. My friend was with the other roommate. Both bedrooms had loud music playing, but I started to doze off. The next thing I remember, roommate 1 was picking me up off the couch. I was being naive in thinking that he was just going to share his bed so I didn't have to sleep on the couch. When he laid me on his bed, he proceeded to take my pants off. I really woke up then. I told him no, but he wouldn't stop. I started screaming at the top of my lungs, but the music from both rooms was too loud. I then saw the gun close to him. I shut my eyes in fear. I remember him telling me how wet I was and that I wanted it as much as he did. I must have blacked out because the next thing I knew was that it was morning and my friend was trying to wake me up.
When I told my friend about it, she didn't believe me. When I asked for his last name and where his apartment was, she wouldn't tell me. She had always been the one to drive there and most of the time we went, she and I were usually stoned, so I didn't know how to get to his place.
After that, I didn't believe that anyone would believe me. I was already going through one court case with the first guy, so how bad would it look if I accused another? I pushed it out of my mind, and never talked about it again. I even started to make myself believe that it was all imagined and became so calloused about both incidents that whenever I would hear someone's story about how bad their victimization had affect their lives, I would call them weak and couldn't understand why someone was letting it affect them so bad. That was until 9 years had passed by.
One night while getting my then 2 year old daughter out of the bath and ready for bed, she did something with her legs that made me lose it. Something had hit me all of a sudden. I started crying and panicking. After talking with my mom, she helped me realize I'd had a flashback.
Slowly, I tried to deal with the memories, but I was still never looking at what had fully happened in both cases. The only time I would see what had happened was in the nightmares I had. I finally came out to my family that there had been a second rape. I have felt so ashamed and scared to take a good hard look at what happened. Even now, I find myself reverting back to where I disassociate my feelings from the facts. After almost 2 years of trying to deal and confront my feelings, I have had no success. I am scared and I know I am not fully dealing with what has happened in order for me to heal. Because I am putting it all back inside now, my nightmares have gone away, but will they come back? What will it be like next time when my body tells me it is time to deal with my past?
from Philadelphia, PA |
I'll start with the simple,
easy things-the flirting,
the paint-thinner flavored
vodka, the dancing and revelry,
the wonderful way the world
whirls around when things
get intense like that. I used
to love the feeling of pushing
the limit when I drank. I
was testing myself and my
life and the world around
me. I always liked to drink.
I always liked sex too. The
limit I've learned to do without.
He was sort of attractive
I guess, but it's hard for
me to admit that now. How
could my judgment have been
so terrible? He had been nice
to me when I saw him around,
but he did always wear those
god-awful ugly sweat pants
all the time. I should have
known then. Never trust a
man in ugly sweatpants. There
were other signs though, that
I should have seen. But what
the hell-I'm in college. This
is what kids do. It wasn't
supposed to be a big deal.
I should have known better.
Then I could talk about the
bad parts I guess, but that's
harder to remember. I was
very drunk that night and
I spent a year repressing
it all, so it's a little foggy.
It was a bad year, but I couldn't
make time for it; I had a
thousand other dysfunctions
to concentrate on. There was
no time for rape. Until a
year later when I started
finding myself incapacitated
on my floor in a fetal position
hyperventilating every single
night, I thought maybe its
time to admit there was something
So let's see, that night.
I found myself on his bed
and I didn't have clothes
on. This was definitely not
in the plan - a little smooching
was the most I wanted. I muttered
some protest about getting
pregnant, because he was already
inside of me then. He was
already inside of me then.
He was inside me. In me. He
was huge and it hurt. Even
through the haze of drunkenness
I could already feel the soreness
in my vagina. "I'm not
gonna cum in you bitch"
he said. No one spoke to me
like that, what was going
on? I argued with him, I remember
that. Bruises were already
forming on my chest and neck.
You might call them hickeys
in a different context, but
much bigger and with teeth
marks. I was so drunk, so
incapacitated, so defenseless.
That makes it my fault right?
I could have protected myself,
(this is the part where you
are supposed to remember the
things they taught you in
self defense class or date
rape protection classes or
specials on Oprah. The part
where you say no and punch
him in the balls, yell fire,
or do something empowering.
It's a damn shame I didn't
think of it at the time, but
I was a little distracted
by the man raping me, and
all the damn liquor.)
I struggled a little and I
guess he decided I was right
about the pregnancy thing
so he flipped me over and
found a less dangerous place
to shove it into. I tore and
then I bled. I couldn't shit
for a week. I remember a smirk
on his face, he thought he
was clever. What a sadistic
fuck. When I was putting on
my clothes he yelled at me
for not telling him I had
my period. I didn't have my
period. I was bleeding from
where he tore open my asshole.
I guess he wasn't particularly
bright, either. He was mad
because my blood was everywhere,
all over the couch.
I wonder if his girlfriend
ever asked about that stain-my
stain. I wonder how many times
she had been opened, I wonder
if she bled anymore.
I got up and left. Later that
night, he raped my best friend.
She had the same bruises.
We still haven't talked about
But that was just one night.
Eventually the bruises faded
and my digestive system regulated
itself. That was the easy
part. It's been every fucking
day since that been hard.
Because after that first rape,
all the rest come easier.
Sometimes during the next
year, the guy I dated and
I would drink a lot and if
I passed out first it didn't
matter. I would wake up with
him on top of me, fucking
me. Raping me. I couldn't
say no, I had no idea what
the word sounded like, I was
only vaguely aware what was
going on was wrong. He told
said he loved me. How dumb
could I have been?
Not that it's my fault, right?
What a cliché, it being
my fault and all. The problem
is that I can't blame it on
anyone solid and still be
satisfied. Spiritually, it
doesn't work to blame the
guy I dated or the man that
raped me because they don't
care. Just another day to
them, someone else's problem.
Rape, shmape. And blaming
it on someone that doesn't
care doesn't help me understand
or heal at all. Knowing that
someone is a bastard only
adds to the negativity, and
I'm getting tired of so much
hostility. I want to forgive.
I could blame society, maybe?
For creating the situation
that allows rape and rapists
to go along unhindered. But
society is a sneaky brat,
being in your face and faceless
at the same time. Men, maybe?
There's so many options: my
parents, the class structure,
conservatives, republicans,
America, gender stereotypes,
oppression. Great. Because
that's an easy monster to
fight. I can't even fight
against a man tearing at my
insides, a boyfriend raping
me, a mother grounding me,
a political unit claiming
But I'm a strong woman, right?
I can take responsibility
for my actions. I was the
one downing paint thinner
vodka like it was water after
a basketball game. Does that
have to mean internalizing
the shame so deeply that I
end up a bitter old woman
sitting on her front porch
with a shotgun and yelling
at neighborhood kids? Jeez,
I hope not, hat sounds lonely.
But maybe it does, I don't
know yet. What choices do
I have?
If I could talk about the
psychological effects effectively,
I would, but those are the
most obscure. About hating
myself. Despising everything
about myself. About the confusion,
the overwhelmingness, the
suppression, the fear, the
blame. The isolation is the
worst part. Having to do it
all on your own because you're
pretty fucking sure you could
never learn to trust another
human being in your whole
life. Hopelessness, helplessness.
I still can't even raise my
hand in class without feeling
so vulnerable that I stutter
and blush. This rape has conquered
all the negativity in my brain
and claimed it as its own.
Every bad feeling must pass
through its filter.
Spiritually, it's even more
difficult to understand. I
started getting in trouble
for making out when I was
young and I've never stopped.
It's in me, the trouble and
the feeling bad for it. The
first time I was grounded
for being close with someone
when I was 15, I was raped.
It's the attitude that rapes
me. The belief that someone
else owns me and my sexuality.
This is by far the hardest
part. I have the least amount
of words ot help me with it.
I can't find myself in an
ocean of anger. An ocean where
Sex and shame are the same.
Sex and danger are the same.
Sex and silence are the same.
So that's the victim's story.
The look-how-pathetic-I-am-doesn't-my-life-suck
story. But this is a "survivor"
story right? The story about
how I made it, how I win in
the end. I let my true heart
guide me through to triumph
and overcome the bad guys.
Hmm. Well, I've gotten to
the point where I can write
about it and talk about it.
After a lot of work and a
lot of time, I can now participate
in my own healthy sex life.
I'm not thinking about suicide
everyday anymore. I can say
no to food now sometimes.
I've told my family, I can
got to the support group at
WOAR, I can start believing
in myself again. Little by
little, it's happening. It's
hardly the big game scene
of The Bad News Bears. But
then again, this isn't baseball,
this is my life. After I started
talking about it, the stories
started to come, to bleed
out of the women I knew. Between
my family and friends, I know
nine women who have been raped.
Nine. Still, I'm not exactly
sure what "survivor"
means. Sometimes I feel strong
and sometimes I don't. Some
days I guess I'm a survivor,
and some days I'm still a
victim. I'll always be an
individual who was raped in
many different ways, both
physically and spiritually.
But I'm still here, and its
getting better all the time.
I'm getting louder all the
People who think they know
They're raping me
They look at me with just
a glance
They're raping me
Assumptions are made about
who I am
They're raping me
They're just like me but
Their politics are raping
A 'Woman', A 'Victim', A 'Survivor'
Has no name, no face, no body
Without a face
They're raping me
The morning shines its light
on me
It's raping me and
Indifference is my only companion.
from BC Canada |
I was only in grade 9, and
I went with friends to a party.
I didnt know there would be
drinking, I certainly didn't
touch a drop. I was having
fun when one of the guys in
my class started paying attention
to me. I was really chubby,
so having one of the popular
guys laughing and flirting
with me was unusual and a
treat. He convinced me to
go out for a walk with him
since the cigarette smoke
was heavy in the house we
were at, of course I agreed.
I didn't know four of his
other friends would follow
us down into the park. You
can guess the rest, I still
can't discuss it. They used
knives on me as well as....everything
else, and told me over and
over before knocking me out
cold that if I told anyone
they would laugh at me...
After all, who would believe
that guys would choose an
ugly girl to do this to? To
this day I still believe that
somewhat, it is a hurdle I
haven't gone over yet.
The guys are long gone in
another city, but it will
be with me forever that I
didn't say anything to anyone,
so they possibly went on and
did that to more girls. I
could have stopped them, but
I never had the courage.
Now I am teaching my sister
and her friends about this
issue, and how they should
never listen to people who
say that you should keep silent
about rape or any kind of
abuse, that is never the answer.
At least do it for other girls
out there, you have the power
to protect them, simply by
telling the truth.
from Riverside, CA |
I just don't know what I am
doing wrong. I'm bipolar.
I moved to another state my
junior year of high school
because I thought I could
escape my fucked up emotions.
But when I got there things
weren't any better. I didn't
know how to deal with anything.
I started cutting, drugs,
drinking...It was the drinking
that got me in trouble. I
had a drink. One drink. But
I didn't watch it. It wasn't
always with me while I was
drinking it, and that is where
I fucked up. I remember going
up stairs with this guy. There
was kissing, then he took
my shirt off, and that was
all he was going to do. Then
two of his friends came in.
I remember he told them to
keep my pants on, but he didn't
stop them, in fact he joined
later. I don't remember much,
except pain and certain little
flashes of consciousness.
I remember a guy holding me
afterward asking what the
cuts on my body were from.
Of course I was really out
of it from all of the drugs
they had slipped me (the amount
could have killed me), so
I told him everything. He
laughed and he raped me again.
Then I black out and remember
little flashes of a spa and
a car. When I woke up I was
in my friend's bed in clothes
that weren't mine. I was kind
of foggy and asked her what
had happened. She laughed
at me and told me I had gone
and fucked some guys. Yeah,
she knew that they had given
me something, but she figured
that since I didn't have to
pay for the drugs and I was
finally losing my virginity,
that it was alright. I was
so ashamed. My period is irregular
because I don't weigh enough.
I waited 2 1/2 months to find
out that I wasn't pregnant.
I convinced myself that nobody
could find out because I wasn't
supposed to be drinking. So
nobody knew about it. I started
abusing the shit out of my
Then came a second guy. I
was at a party with some friends
and we were all sitting on
a couch. A guy there I didn't
know told me to get him a
beer. I told him to get it
himeself. my second mistake.
He got angry. Started telling
me I was a bitch and should
do what He told me to or he
would rape me and kill me.
I backed up until I hit a
wall. I couldn't back up anymore.
Then he beat the shit out
of me. He stopped hitting
me when I stopped moving.
I didn't tell anyone. It was
my fault for not getting him
his beer. My friends (different
friends) had turned around
to see what all the noise
was and then turned the TV
up and let him beat me. I
left my arm uncasted so nobody
would know anything was wrong.
Then I moved back to my old
state (city) and tried to
turn my life around. It wasn't
just that hiding this shit
was hard, my emotions are
way out of control. I would
get manic and get really angry,
psychotically angry, because
of what they did, then I would
get depressed and want to
die... I did try one day.
And I was three minutes from
actually succeding when my
brother found the bottle of
empty pills and saw my wrists
were slashed and called for
an ambulance. They all blamed
it on my being manic-depressive...because
I was bipolar.
Then ten days ago... My friend
and I were having an argument.
He had cheated on his girlfriend
and was trying to justify
his actions. I wasn't buying
it. So the next day he called
me to come over and we started
arguing again. I said something
he didn't like. He hit me.
He dropped me in three hits.
When I figured out what was
happening I fought back. I
broke his nose and his hand.
That wasn't enough. In fact
it pissed him off even more.
He hit me in the jaw, I fell
against the wall. I was on
the ground and he kicked me
in the stomach. Then he kicked
my chest breaking two of my
ribs. Then he kicked me in
the head. I don't remember
anything after that. I woke
up and he was gone. I ran
to my car and drove home.
My dad called me around 20
minutes after I got home and
asked me to come pick him
up at the car repair shop.
I cleaned up and and met him
there. I fall all of the time
so it wasn't very hard to
just play it off like I fell.
But the thing is, I don't
bruise. It takes a hell of
a lot to bruise me. I didn't
bruise the first or second
times, I did this time. My
face had some bruises on it.
So did my legs and chest.
It was easy to hide before
because there wasn't any damage
that anyone could see. Nobody
ever asked me if anything
was wrong. But when I got
to work like two hours later,
they asked me what happened,
I broke. Three people know
what this last guy did to
me. One of those people knows
everything because I couldn't
stop pouring out what had
happened when I was talking
to her. I regret it all. I
wish nobody knew. I hate that
they do things for me now
because I can't lift or move
anything heavy. I hate that
they know how weak I am. This
last guy is in jail now. He
had a record of doing this
I started drinking again.
Started having sex, getting
into drugs again, and even
started smoking. This shit
is hard for me to deal with,
hard for anyone to deal with.
But, because I am bipolar
I deal with everything even
worse. I hated myself for
making a bad grade, I really
really hated myself for it.
Imagine what I am feeling
now after something way bigger
then a bad test. I am just
scared to think of what I
am going to do to cope this
time. Sure this guy was punished
for what he did. But if I,
a 5'9 girl who can run a 5
min. mile, bench 120, squat
240, and knows tae-kwon-do...if
I couldn't protect myself
those times, what is going
to happen the next time?
from Hatchet, Manitoba |
I'm 17 years old and when
i was 16 i was drugged and
gang raped by 4 or 5 guys.
I became pregnant but i never
told anyone until i miscarried
about 3 months later. Lately
though a few of these guys
have been following me and
calling me because they know
i talked to the cops. They
found out a bunch of things
about me such as some sexual
abuse from a boyfriend of
my mom's when i was a child
and some other reports that
only a selected group of people
know about. I'm so scared
of what they can do and what
they will do if they get a
chance. I have been working
with the police but no one
knows who they are or how
they got this information.
from Pembroke, NC |
I sometimes think my college
should be looked into, because
of how many girls I know who've
been subjected to sexual violence
or end up with bizarre, violent
My freshman year of college,
I was still getting over a
boy I had dated. I had been
very emotionally tied to him,
because he was good to me.
I was lonely and sad, and
then I met a guy named Justin,
who became my friend. Justin
was gay and trying to come
to terms with himself. To
do this, he tried promiscuity,
and extolled the virtues of
it constantly. So I tried
it. I had sex with some guy
named Marshall twice. I found
Marshall completely repulsive,
but I convinced myself I didn't.
Then Marshall and I were messing
around, and I had already
told him I would not have
sex with him without a condom.
He forced himself on me anyway.
I managed to get him to stop,
but it was too late, I'd already
been raped. I was very numb
at this time. The impact of
it did not hit until later,
when I was assaulted again.
Just a month later, by a guy
who Justin thought we should
have a threesome with. I wasn't
interested, but usually went
along with Justin knowing
his schemes wouldn't work
out. Also I was sure it was
really just a big joke, or
at the very least something
I could worm out of. We were
sitting around in the guy's
room, and he and Justin were
debating -- Justin wanted
the threesome, but the guy,
Jeremy, said he just wanted
to have sex with me. I wasn't
paying attention, I thought
it was just silliness.
Then Justin stood up and said
something along the lines
of, "Okay, she's yours" and
I was not a strong willed
person until recently. It
was very easy to control me.
I despise myself for this.
I just went numb and did what
he told me to do. (God, how
much of the that year of my
life could be described by
that sentence?) He hurt. His
penis was very large and crooked,
and he told me to keep my
clothing on. There was so
much he did that was so scary,
but I just thought to myself,
"If I just let this get over
with I never have to do this
ever again". I felt like I
had been sold or bartered
for. I do not excuse that
I didn't fight back and just
cut myself off from the world,
except to say that that was
my only natural defense at
the time, and that anyone,
anyone could have told there
was something wrong, and that
I was afraid. It is still
my fault though.
Then the condom that he had
actually put on, broke. Something
snapped inside of me and all
the pure hysteria I should
have been feeling the whole
time washed over me. I ran
to my room and scrubbed myself
clean and filled my vagina
with Justin's perfume that
had lots of alcohol in it.
It burned horribly, and for
the only time in my life I
seriously contemplated suicide.
This is one of those experiences
that people react differently
to. I feel how bad it was,
and those who I've explained
it to (very few) are in vehement
agreement that I was assaulted,
but the area is gray to most
people, and I do not blame
Justin abandoned me that night
to exchange handjobs with
a friend of ours, who had
a girlfriend. I was very angry
at him for that, and very
angry when he got back, and
all he could talk about was
how wonderful that experience
had been. He totally ignored
me. In some ways I feel he
got his karma for that, because
later the same thing happened
to him with that guy.
So less than a month later,
I started to date a guy named
Richard. He is possibly the
sickest person I have ever
or will ever meet. He obsessed
after me for months, except
that all the while he was
doing it, he was telling me
I was not than his ideal of
beauty -- I am a brunette
with brown eyes, not a blue
eyed blonde. I started dating
him because I knew he liked
me in some sort of twisted
way, and I spent ten months
letting him abuse me.
I should have known better.
I always found him creepy
and disgusting. Before we
were dating, he one day pinned
me on my bed, and whispered
psychotic shit to me for two
or three hours, while I closed
my eyes and tried to pretend
it wasn't happening. Whenever
I had a chance, I fought back,
but he always restrained me
again. Then he dragged me
off my bed and threw me on
a pile of junk I had in the
corner. I was terrified. Can
you believe I spent a lot
of our relationship trying
to fucking soothe him over
that, that he wasn't so fucking
bad!?!? My wrists were covered
with bruises for days.
He hated me to be happy without
him. I hated him, and I told
him I loved him, but I never
loved him. I know how stupid
that sounds, but it is true.
I submitted almost because
I was glad for the hurt, glad
for the abuse, glad for the
rape. I did whatever the hell
he wanted -- oh please, sir,
abuse me more.
I am very good at figuring
out what people really want
to do. It's how I've managed
to accomodate so many people
at the expense of myself for
so long. It's pretty uncanny,
according to nicer people
I know. And I knew what he
wanted, so I went out of my
way to go ahead and give the
permission for it. WHY did
I do this? WHY? Why, when
I hated it? He liked to hit
me during "sex", if you could
call it that. So I said he
could, without him having
to ask. He was surprised but
elated, and he loved to. I
made him stop eventually,
because he was too delighted
by it. I didn't stand up for
myself a single other time.
Then summer came, and his
mother, who hated me, told
him I couldn't visit. How
was this solved? He talked
me into lying to my mother
and getting bus fare, and
going to stay in his house,
FOR THREE DAYS. I did this
TWICE. He brought me fucking
rice, and took me in and out
of that closet like I was
a blowup doll. I got a bladder
Also, two or three times he
raped me in my sleep.
And once he punched me in
the stomach.
There's not much else to say,
other than it all runs together
in this fog of "well, let
me submit to his sex again,
maybe it'll be over soon,
maybe if I pretend I like
it enough, I really will."
I hate myself and always will
for allowing him to do the
things he did to me.
I dumped him last November.
He spent months writing me
threatening and insane letters,
and his livejournal is full
of crazy entries saying he
would have his revenge on
me and my new boyfriend. When
I dumped him, he had the nerve
to accuse me of "taking his
virginity". HAHAH! This is
very funny to me, because
he had been involved with
a girl before me, who he had
jumped into bed with hoping
to score, but he didn't. She
backed off, and I will never
know why unless I manage to
track her down and ask if
he was as insane to her as
he was to me. He actually
told me he had no respect
for her, because she would
give away her virginity so
easily. But he was so ready
to give it to her, and had
no problems with me, as long
as he got off.
I hate him! I hate all of
them but I hate him the most!
HATE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!
I was never much of a cutting
person, as some people are.
All the same, at some point
last semester, I broke down
with complete anguish that
all of this happened to me,
and that most people in the
world would not believe me
that it did. I hated myself
for letting it all go on,
and I hated my body. I cut
up my arms and legs and face.
The cut on my forehead was
gross, it had actual lips
-- but mysteriously it healed
without a scar. I honestly
didn't think of what people
would think would they saw
me, I didn't think of anything
at all.
I have not told my current
boyfriend Jason about most
of this. It's not that he
would despise me for it or
find me disgusting. It's that
I find myself disgusting,
and can't even say the words
aloud. Jason was a virgin
before, and I feel somehow
guilty because of that. He
would never reject me over
it though. I just can't talk
about it.
from Middletown, CT |
It was cold out, although
I don't remember snow. I lived
in a large apartment complex
and right near my bus stop
was a door to the basement
of a group of studio apartments.
I found out that my key opened
the door to this basement
area, which consisted of a
laundry area and a storage
area that was sectioned off
by chicken wire and 2" x 4"'s.
When it was cold out, we would
wait for the school bus in
this area. I was ten years
old and in the fifth grade.
I had gotten into one of the
storage units where someone
had a couch stored. I was
sitting there finishing a
ditto I had for math homework.
The girls who were inside
went out to play double dutch.
I stayed in and did my homework
because I didn't know how
to jump double dutch. I don't
know when Tim got there. I
don't know to what extent
he planned to do this. I don't
know if he had me in mind
for sure, I don't know. About
a year or so before this his
friend Mike who was from my
neighborhood, forced himself
on me, he made me give him
oral sex. For me it was the
first time I recollect seeing
that part of the male genitalia
and it was shoved in my mouth.
Anyway - I found their friendship
and my victimization by each
of them to be far too coincidental...
I still do. Tim came up to
me and started talking, I
felt akward because I had
never talked to him before
and because he was 7 years
older than me. I tried to
be polite and answer his questions...
"what grade are you in?" "Who's
your teacher?"...etc. I heard
the bus coming down the street.
When I went to get up, he
jumped on top of me (on the
couch) covered my mouth and
told me to shut the fuck up.
He said he knows I have a
little sister and he'll hurt
her too if I don't shut the
fuck up. I started to cry
and he smacked me. He told
me I was a slut and that this
was all my fault for wearing
short dresses - he told me
I was getting what I was asking
for. He lifted my dress up
and pulled down my tights
and underwear. I kept telling
him "no", although I didn't
understand what he was doing.
I was embarrassed. he told
me to shut up and do what
he says so that he doesn't
have to hurt me. Then he told
me he wanted me to "play with
myself." I just looked at
him, again not understanding.
He kept yelling at me to do
it and finally took my hand,
thrust it to my vagina and
made me move my hand up and
down. He told me not to stop
until he says so. He pulled
down his pants and started
to jerk off. I stopped my
movements, just racked with
sobs - begging him to stop...
he hit me.
I don't remember what happened
next, but what I do remember
is him over me, I'm on the
cold cement floor at this
point and he pushed his penis
into me. It hurt so bad. I
think I was screaming because
I remember being startled
by a smack upside my head
and more threats to hurt my
little sister if I didn't
shut up.
Next thing I remember is him
sitting on the couch. I started
to get off the floor, pulling
up my underwear and tights,
grabbing my bookbag. But I
don't remember getting home.
I got in the shower. I sat
on the bathtub floor and let
the bath tub fill with water
by the shower that rained
above me. I sat there with
my knees drawn up and my head
in my folded arms as I cried
and shaked. I cried so hard,
I was in so much pain... my
stomach hurt so much (which
for a ten year old your stomach
is defined by anything between
the top of your legs to the
bottom of your ribcage) and
my vagina was burning. I went
to shut the water off and
realize that the bath water
was tinted red, I was bleeding.
Did he cut me? I stuck my
head out of the shower and
saw my white tights and my
underwear were bloody. Then
I got this horrifying feeling
that I didn't remember if
I had locked the door after
I got in the house. I was
petrified, I just got out
of the shower and locked the
bathroom door. I couldn't
deal with going downstairs
by myself at that time. I
don't know how long I stayed
in the shower for, I just
cried and was in shock, by
the time I had myself together
enough to wash up, the water
was cold.
I got out and ran to my room,
put some clothes on and ran
downstairs to lock the door...
It was already locked. I threw
my bloody clothes in the garbage
and pushed them to the bottom
of the bag. I went upstairs
to my bed, hugged my Raggedy
Ann and cried myself to sleep.
I forgot about this incident
somehow, my therapist says
I "blocked it out". But as
I grew up, I only wore dress
for proms and other formal
occasions. I was a tomboy,
I felt safe being friends
with all the guys. I started
having flashbacks as I became
sexually active with my boyfriend
at the age of seventeen. I
told him, a close friend and
my mother. My mother's response
was "it happens to a lot of
people... it's part of being
a woman, just get over it."
I had moved to California
by age 21. I was raped again
while working as a nanny for
three kids all under age 4.
The father raped me by gunpoint
while the children were in
the next room. Seven weeks
later I found out I was pregnant.
I told no one... i went by
myself to get an abortion.
I told three of my best friends
soon there after, and they
helped me find counseling
with a rape crisis center.
My self esteem was shot. I
was severly depressed, I was
unemployed for months. I sat
in my room, listened to music,
slept and smoked cigarettes.
I finally got a job by my
friends prompting and met
a guy. I was crazy about him
and dated him for four months.
When he finally attempted
to have sex with me, I went
on automatic pilot. I didn't
tell him no or resist. I wasn't
afraid of him, I just was
apathetic. I didn't want to
hurt his feelings, because
he didn't know about my past
history. I didn't even think
about protection, I was too
bugged out. I got pregnant
again. This time I kept it.
He stuck around, things were
fine. Then a year later he
had a drink which led to many
and he beat me beat me up
and the party for our daughters
baptism. In front of my friends
and his family... who promptly
pulled him off. He misheard
something I said and just
flew into a rage. I left him
for two days. He promised
to quit drinking. I came back.
3 months later, drunk again,
he almost killed me by strangling
me, while our nine month old
was in my arms. I still stayed.
I didn't know where to go.
Admitting that this relationship
isn't working is admitting
failure and my family thought
I was already a fuck up. I
was in the hospital twice.
My friends and family never
knew. Finally my friends figured
out what was up and told me
I was staying at there house.
That they would go get my
stuff from his house. That's
how I finally left him.
I moved back home later on.
Eventually I started dating
a man who I have been friends
with since high school. He
knows everything I remember.
He has stuck with me through
everything, convinced me to
go to counseling and came
with me the first few times
just to hold my hand. I have
been diagnosed with clinical
depression and post traumatic
stress disorder. I started
stuggling with thoughts of
worthlessness and suicide
and was put on meds. He has
always stood by me, he has
been my rock. He has helped
raise my wonderful daughter.
The two of them are the reasons
I'm alive. I love them too
much to hurt them.
I'm not able to say that none
of it is my fault. I have
trouble uttering the words
rape. I feel weak and worthless
all the time for not being
able to protect myself. I've
made some progress but not
enough. I get impatient.
I did find someone to love
me in spite of my feelings
for myself. My boyfriend and
I got married 3 weeks ago.
I have tried to get off the
medication but each time I
do, I get extremely depressed
and struggle with suicide
ideation. I still go to counseling
each week and she works with
my physician, so I'm getting
help. But sometimes I'm so
tired of being afraid and
having nightmares and flashbacks
and I wonder if I can ever
be "normal", not depressed,
not on meds and sleeping through
the night. I wait for the
day that I will feel as strong
as the women on this page
sound. Maybe someday.
S. from New Rochelle, NY |
When I was 14 years old I
was date raped by my first
serious boyfriend, Mike. I
was a virgin. We sat down
on the couch together at a
makeout party and I knew we
were going to fool around.
I told him flat out that i
didn't want to have sex, I
wasn't ready to have sex yet.
As we were messing around
he started fingering me. then
it started to hurt and kept
hurting, but i had never really
fooled around before so I
thought it was supposed to
hurt at first. He was laying
fully on top of me and I couldn't
move very much. I tried to
move a little because it was
hurting too much for too long
and he told me that it had
been his dick the whole time
and not his fingers. He asked
me if he could keep going
and I said yes because I didn't
know what else to say. I didn't
want him to be mad at me.
I thought this was just the
way it was supposed to be.
I thought that as long as
he was happy he would stay
with me and care about me
and maybe even love me.
I went out with him on and
off for another year and a
half. I never thought of it
as rape until I was 16 and
I was talking to my friend
Angela. I told her about my
first time, told her the above
story. She asked me if I knew
I had been raped. And I said
yes, I guess I did know, but
I didn't think of it like
that. Ever since admitting
to her that I knew I was raped,
I've tried to deal with it
openly to those close to me.
I never told my parents, but
my close friends know, my
15 year old twin neice and
nephew know. I tell my story
to people who are very involved
in my life or to people who
I think it will make a difference
in their lives.
That was the first time I
was sexually assaulted. the
second time was when I was
24. June 2nd 2002. I was hanging
out in a bar with my fiance
and some of my friends. It
was about 11:30 and we had
gone to the bar after the
sunday softball game at about
4:30. I had been drinking,
but wasn't drunk just buzzed.
I was feeling anti-social,
so I took my "Bitch-the feminist
response to pop culture" magazine
and sat down on one of the
couches. I was alone in the
seating area but it was not
closed off at all. There were
about 30-40 people in the
bar and about 20 right around
where I was. I was sitting
in the corner of the couch
with my right leg tucked under
me and my left streched straight
out. I had on jeans, a full
tee shirt and flip flops.
I was sitting there for about
3 minutes when some guy on
the other softball team, not
the one my friends played
on, dove on top of me. I said
"What are you doing??!" and
he replied "I like you". He
then buried his face into
my right breast. I dug my
nails into his head trying
to grab his hair, which was
too short to grab, trying
to get him off of me. I was
yelling "GET OFF OF ME" the
whole time his face was against
my breast. I had the magazine
in my right hand, which is
my dominate hand, so I was
punching him with my left
hand. I punched him in the
back of the neck. I tried
to get my left leg up so that
I could kick him off of me
and when I moved my leg, which
I couldn't get all the way
up because of how he was dead
weighed positoned on me, he
moved and put his face in
my crotch. I started yelling
and over again and I was punching
him over and over in the back
trying to get him off of me.
He was high and drunk, i was
later told he was high on
coke, and he wasn't feeling
anything I was doing to him.
On of his friends walked over
the the couch and told ME
" Hey hey take it easy" [i
still can't belive someone
had the balls to tell me to
take it easy, stupid big headed
piece of crap he was.] I looked
at him and yelled "NO". when
the guy on top of me heard
his friend and i speaking
he jumped off of me and walked
As he was getting off of me
my friend Tommy had made his
way across the bar, which
isn't very big, because he
had heard me yelling. But
my fiance Jeff who has heard
me yell for over five years
didn't hear me. That is a
majorly troubling thing for
me to deal with. Shortly after
Tommy came Angela and then
Jeff and then all of the other
friends I was sitting with.
I started yelling about what
had just happened.
I was telling everyone what
had happened to me when Richie,
the co-owner's boyfriend has
walked in. He was there because
Joey the new cook called because
the motherfucker who had attacked
me and his friends had been
giving the cook issues all
night. These five guys trashed
the kicthen, the bathroom,
broke bottles all over the
basement, etc. Richie is talking
to the motherfucker about
giving the cook troubles,
[Richie didn't know what happened
to me yet] and I'm yelling
that "that motherfucker is
gonna leave or I am!!" but
Richie is ignoring me because
he has no clue what I'm carrying
on about. Richie talks to
the MoFo by the kitchen and
then sits him down at the
bar and the Mofo is huggin
on Richie and saying how he
is sorry and it will never
happen again and that he is
just really drunk and blah
blah blah.
At this point I'm still carrying
on and screaming and pointing
at the motherfucker who jumped
on me. I'm still yelling either
that motherfucker leaves or
I will. Then his big faced
friend gets in my face and
tells me to calm down, at
which I look at him dead in
the face and yell "Fuck you".
He then starts prattling about
how I don't know who i'm dealing
with, and i better calm down
or people are going to get
hurt, etc etc. At which my
fiance Jeff, who is a second
degree black belt, gets in
this guy's face. I knew things
were gonna go from bad to
worse so I start yelling at
Jeff about how I was leaving
and he could either give me
the keys or get in the fucking
So I'm out side in the parking
lot, screaming about how I
want the motherfucker thrown
out of bar etc etc. Tommy
who used to work there says
that Richie won't throw them
out because they are more
regulars then we are and they
are on the softball team and
that the whole team is there
and that if Richie threw the
MoFo out the whole team would
leave etc etc. That is when
I started yelling about how
I wanted the cops called.
I wanted to file a report
and I wanted the MoFo arrested.
So Tommy and Jeff both call
the cops. 15 minutes later
they show up. I expain my
story and Officer Massett
asks me if i "want this guy
locked up". I tell him hellz
yeah I want him locked up,
yes I do. Then he tells Jeff
and I to get in the car and
we will go look around Central
Avenue for him and his friends.
This guy who I just met that
night runs up to the cop car
and tells the officer that
he heard the guy's say they
were going to go to the Kohl's
parking lot. So we drive around
a bit and find them right
there at kohl's.
Officer Massett jumps out
of the car and pulls his gun
on the four of them. Tells
them to put their hands up,
to put their hands on the
car. They all looked so scared
and confused and I'm in the
back of the cop car yelling
about how the motherfucker
is going to go to jail and
that is what you get when
you fuck with me and etc etc.
I was clapping and bouncing
and yelling and Jeff is trying
to calm me down. Officer Massett
pushes the MoFo onto the hood
of his own car, slaps cuffs
on him and kicks his legs
apart. MoFo was not expecting
this and almost falls. HAHA!
9 cop cars show up and all
the guys get searched and
mofo gets arrested. I get
a ride to the station to give
my statement and the first
court date is June 18th.
I've told this story to some
women. Some of them have told
me that they wouldn't have
called the cops if that happened
to them, but now that they
see that I did, they will
if something, Goddess forbid,
ever happens to them. And
that is what it is about for
me . Not being a victim for
however long the attack took.
Ok, you made me a victim,
now i'm going to make myself
something better. Now I'm
going to make myself better
and this world better by talking
about what happened to me
so that it may not happen
to anyone else and so that
if it does, they will take
Angela is the one who told
me about this website, she
was also there that night
and she is also the same Angela
who helped me realize I was
raped when I was 16. Funny
how Angela is one letter away
from Angel. Love You.
Longi from Rahway, New Jersey
I was 14 when I was hanging
out at a friend's house. My
friend's brother also had
a couple of his friends over
and there were no adults home.
We were all joking around
and having fun until my friend's
brother(who was also in my
classes in school) asked me
to call him Master. When I
refused he took a knife from
the kitchen, put it up to
my throat and dragged me into
his room with him and his
two friends. They stripped
me and held me down while
they took turns forcing me
to perform oral sex on them
and jerk them off. I can remember
biting one of them so they
then raped me vaginally. I
can't really remember who
was doing what to me but I
was screaming and crying and
wondering why my friends weren't
doing anything to help me.
When it was over after what
seemed like forever the only
person who tried to comfort
me was one of my attackers.
He held me in his arms and
told me that it would be Okay
and he was sorry . My "friends"
acted like it was no big deal
and it was forgotton. I never
pressed charges and didn't
tell anyone about it. I had
to see my friend's brother
every day in school because
he sat behind me in one of
my classes and would keep
my mouth shut when he would
ask me if I had 'fun'.
When I was 19 I also was raped
at a party after I fell asleep
and woke up in restraints.
My attacker, who I did not
know previously, raped me
and when he was about to finish
pulled out and tried to get
me to swallow his cum. I turned
my head and got it all in
my hair. Since the people
I came to the party with left
already, I had to get a ride
home from my rapist. I was
never able to tell anyone
what had happened to me until
I was 23 years old and had
to explain why I had tried
to kill myself. I think just
being able to speak the words
"I was Raped" was a big load
off my mind. Unfortunately
I still feel anger at myself
for letting them get away
with what they did and that
I let my life be so affected
from it.
At 30, I still remember every
day what happened and I have
panic attacks and flashbacks.
It doesn't go away and it
was a big deal. My experience
has affected every part of
my life and changed everything
I think, feel, see, and do.
I feel like my life was stolen
from me and I was held back
from who I should have grown
up to be. I was raped but
I was also robbed of my happiness.